Who is Jesus?
Hope Part 8
Curtis Halbesma
John 8:31-59 “The truth will set you free.” What a comforting phrase. However, the first part of that quote says, “If you hold to my teachings… then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” That “If” changes the meaning somewhat, doesn’t it. It means there is a particular teaching that will set you free, not just any piece of truth. And it also says you have to live the teaching, not just know it. Hmm. That makes it more complex. Let’s add one more piece. Jesus says “everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” He says this to people he then accuses of being under the influence of the devil. How often are we under the influence of evil without knowing it? And how often have we felt bound to repeating the same sin? These are recordings of our Sunday morning messages and some of the discussion that follows. This is the 14th message in our series.
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